Wednesday, October 13

senior citizen?

Today as I was driving home and I was behind a car that was kinda a bus...I don't know how to explain it! but it's like a old people's clinic van type of thing..anyways! on the back it said:
 "Seniors Out and About"
at first I laughed at it, because I laugh out loud all the time when I'm alone, it's pretty awesome.
and I thought nothing of it until I realized the song I was listening to was about growing up. and literally I read the sign again while the chorus was was creepy.
this is it:

Coffee Break-Forever The Sickest Kids

it's mostly just the chorus that hit me, it was crazy. 
and there's a little part about his mom. I love my mum, and she loves me even though I've broken her heart so many times...I know she loves me still because she keeps me close.

Anyways...the whole point of this whole thing is: reality hit me.
I'm a senior in high school...this is it. 
I've grown up so quickly, and I don't know where all the years have gone.
I never believed them when they told me it would go by so fast, I never realized that all the things I procrastinated, and all the times I fooled around would all catch up to me sooner or later...and I was only a little girl I believe them with all my heart, I wish I did then because now I regret it. I regret that I never took the time to look at the world and how beautiful it is until now. Life is insanely hard to grasp.  and it's all going way too fast, and life needs to slow down, I wish time were on my side.  Oh well, the only person I can blame is myself, and the only person who can fix this all is myself. lame...

sooner or later I'll be a senior citizen..having my little walker and yelling at them wipper snappers! ah shoot, seriously though I've learned that I just need to take life slowly, but not too slow that everything passes me by.


  1. wow.
    i like it karleen.
    and i know exactly what you mean about that.
    life does go by fast and it seriously needs to stop.

  2. I like your blog a lot Karleen. I'm going to keep reading it.
